• The Best TV shows for Software Engineers / Software Developers
    The Best TV shows for Software Engineers / Software Developers If you are looking for the best tv shows for software engineers you found the right page. Silicon Valley: A comedy series that follows a group of software engineers who struggle to fund their startup, …
  • Floating Point Number errors can sink your app with issues
    Floating point errors cause numbers not to behave as you would expect. You would think that 1/7 added seven times would equal 1. In normal math, it would, but with double floating point math, computers use no. Let’s take this example below comparison. Do you …
  • C# Using Var: To Var or Not To Var?
    C# var vs. explicitly typed This can be one of those developer holy wars to avoid, but here is an opinion on this one. Using var seems to be the rage today for reducing redundancy. Mostly, var is pretty benign or helpful, but perhaps it …
  • Best Audiobooks for Software Engineers / Software Developers
    If you are looking for the best audiobooks for software engineers and software developers you found the right page. The best audiobooks for software developers and software engineers Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time by Titus Winters, Tom Manshreck, and Hyrum …
  • Best Coding Bootcamp / Best Software Engineering Bootcamps
    If you are looking for the best coding bootcamp or best software engineering bootcamps check out this page. Below summarizes the information from the coding bootcamp websites. Best coding bootcamp and best software engineering bootcamps Rutgers Coding Boot Camp The Rutgers Coding Bootcamp is an …
  • Best Movies For Software Developers / Engineers
    If you were looking for the best movies for software developers or the best movies for software engineers you have come to the right place. If you think of any other of the best movies for software developers, then please comment below. Check out our …
  • How does public key encryption work? C# Example Simplified
    This article will explain how does public key encryption work. Public key systems underlay the security that you use every day to browse the web. The https (TLS) secure web links you use every day use public key cryptography to be able to exchange encrypted …
  • Best Software Engineering Books You Can’t Afford to Miss
    Below is a list of the best software engineering books, also known as the best software development books. Several of these had pivotal roles in the software development industry. If you have more ideas for the best software engineering books/ or best software development books …
  • What is a Software Developer / Software Engineer?
    What is a Software Developer / Software Engineer? A software developer, often simply referred to as a “developer,” is a professional who designs, builds, tests, and maintains software applications, systems, and websites. They use programming languages, frameworks, and various tools to create software that fulfills …
  • What is Software Engineering?
    The more classical software engineering description:Software Engineering is a methodological process for creating software following an engineering approach, applying the principles of an engineering discipline. Some might call Software development a subset of software engineering (developing part of a larger system, for example.) The more …
  • Analyzed 2861 C# Jobs on the NYC metro area
    Analyzing 2861 C# jobs in the New York metro area breaking down by education requirement: High School (28), Associate Degree (67), Bachelor or equivalent work (520 – extrapolated as 45% of those with Bachelor as a requirement), Bachelor (637 extrapolated as 55% of total Bachelors …
  • Can you get a software engineering job without a Bachelor’s degree or higher?
    Can you get a software engineering job without a Bachelor’s degree or higher? While it is possible you could be limiting your options. According to a stack overflow survey, only around 23% of professional developers did NOT have a bachelor’s degree or higher. Some companies …
  • Agile Body Snatchers
    From the book Essential Software Development Career + Technical Guide (joke) Agile reminds me of an old movie called Invasion of the Body Snatchers, where people were replaced with aliens that looked just like them. It’s almost like software engineers have been replaced with people …
  • Where to get a Bachelor of Computer Science Degree
    Where to get a Bachelor of Computer Science Degree If you are looking for where to get a bachelor of computer science degree, you found the right page. You don’t need a top-school university degree to get a computer science degree. The big names may …
  • ChatGPT Possible Shocking Future Abilities
    Wanting to find out a possible future of ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence GPT read on. ChatGPT Emotional Intelligence Redefined: Prepare to be astounded as ChatGPT unveils its shocking ability to not only understand but authentically respond to human emotions. Gone are the days of algorithmic …
  • What is object oriented programming?
    Definition of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a paradigm that revolutionized software development by organizing code around the concept of objects, encapsulating both data and the methods that operate on that data. This approach enhances code modularity, reusability, and maintainability, making it …
  • Software Engineer Salary / Pay
    If you are looking for information on Software Engineer Salary you have come to the right place. Software Engineer Salary Information In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, software engineers stand at the forefront, driving innovation and shaping the digital future. As demand for their skills …
  • What is SQL?
    What is SQL? SQL, which means Structured Query Language, is a specialized programming language created for managing relational databases. It serves as the communication bridge between databases and the applications that interact with them. SQL facilitates tasks such as data retrieval, insertion, modification, and deletion, …
  • What are Agile Retrospectives?
    Agile Retrospectives Agile retrospectives are structured sessions held at the end of each iteration or sprint, allowing teams to review their recent work and collaboratively identify what went well, what could be improved, and how to implement those improvements in the next iteration. In the …
  • What is Agile Software Development?
    What is Agile Software Development? A Quick Overview At its core, Agile is a set of principles and practices that prioritize flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction in the development and execution of projects. The Agile approach values individuals and interactions, working solutions, and adaptability over …
  • What is C# used for?
    What is C# used for? C# is a powerful programming language by Microsoft. C# is excellent for desktop, web applications, mobile development, and game design. C# stands as a cornerstone in software development. It’s used in front-end desktop/mobile backend systems and has seamless database connectivity. …
  • What is the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?
    Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) – A methodical approach that forms the bedrock of software engineering, ensuring that software projects are planned, and requirements are researched, designed, developed, tested, and deployed with precision and predictability. Why is SDLC Essential? SDLC isn’t just a fancy acronym; …
  • What is Scrum?
    What is Scrum? Scrum is more than just a project management methodology; it’s a paradigm shift in the way teams tackle complex tasks. At its core, Scrum is an agile framework designed to facilitate iterative and incremental development. The emphasis lies on adaptability, transparency, and …